

崔珉豪 郭时旸 李浩贞 梅根·福克斯 金明民 金圣喆 金仁权 乔治·艾德斯
韩语 英语
幸存者(港) / 长沙里之战:被遗忘的英雄(台) / 长沙里9.15 / 장사리 9.15 / The Battle of Jangsa-ri 9.15 / Battle of Jangsari
  • 华南云播

2019年韩国上映的电影《长沙里:被遗忘的英雄们》在线观看,a true story during the Korean War. On June 25, 1950, North Korean troops crossed the 38th parallel and launched a surprise attack on South Korea, capturing Seoul within three days and continuously pushing southward. With the support of the US and the United Nations forces, the South Korean army fought back against the odds. General Douglas MacArthur, the American commander, proposed a plan called "Operation Chromite" to launch an amphibious landing at Incheon. The success of this plan depended on a battalion of troops to launch a flank attack and disrupt the enemy, cutting off their supply lines in Chongchon.Due to the daunting nature of the mission and the lack of available regular army troops from the South Korean military, the task was entrusted to 772 student soldiers. These young soldiers, with an average age of only 17, had received only two weeks of military training and had no combat experience. Along the way, they faced dangers not only from the enemy but also internal conflicts among themselves. Their youthful energy often led to confrontations.On the eve of the Incheon landing, the Chongchon mission was carried out as planned. This group of passionate but inexperienced students inevitably faced the most brutal test of fate: crossing through artillery fire and rough seas, shedding blood on the beaches, while the remaining troops were trapped in a fierce enemy encirclement. They struggled on the thin line between life and death, fighting until they ran out of ammunition and supplies... Film Review: This film is a thrilling and heart-wrenching retelling of a true story from the Korean War. It explores the incredible bravery and sacrifice of a group of young soldiers who were thrust into battle with minimal training and experience. The intense combat scenes and the internal conflicts within the group create a gripping narrative that keeps you on the edge of your seat. The film also highlights the larger strategic significance of the battle and the audacious plan to disrupt the enemys supply lines. The performances by the young actors are outstanding, bringing to life the emotional journey of these student soldiers. The impressive cinematography captures the chaos and devastation of war, while also portraying the camaraderie and bonds formed under such extreme circumstances. Overall, this film is a powerful tribute to the courage and resilience of these unsung heroes of the Korean War.

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